Registration Now Open for SALC

June 24, 2022
The IES Street and Area Lighting Conference (SALC) appeals to members with a primary focus of improving outdoor lighting. The conference program provides outdoor lighting training classes, seminars, networking sessions, and an exhibit hall. Attendees come from across the country and internationally representing utilities, municipalities, DOTs, consulting and engineering firms, research firms, manufacturing firms and educational institutions.
SALC is the only forum specific to the interests and challenges facing outdoor lighting professionals. Join the IES and your outdoor lighting peers in-person in Dallas October 10-13th (Monday-Thursday) at the Hyatt Regency Dallas, 300 Reunion Blvd, Dallas, TX.
The conference program is packed with training courses, sessions, networking opportunities and an exhibit hall — all specific to the interests and challenges of outdoor lighting professionals. View the program here
SPECIAL NOTE: This year’s pre-conference workshops and Welcome Reception are on a Monday.
For registration details, click here